Legal Notice

geobra Brandstätter Stiftung & Co. KG
Brandstätterstrasse 2 - 10
D - 90513 Zirndorf

District Court Fürth HR A 2190
VAT ID No.: DE 132 743 868

Tel.: +49 (0)911/9666-0
Fax.: +49 (0)911/9666-1120

Personal liable partner:
Brandstätter Unternehmensstiftung
Headquarters: Zirndorf
Executive Board:
René Feser (COO), Bahri Kurter, Matthias Fauser

OS platform for settling disputes out of court
Pursuant to EU Directive No. 524/2013, the European Commission provides an interactive website as an online dispute resolution platform (OS platform) for settling out of court disputes from online transactions.

The European Commission’s OS platform can be found under this link:

Online Dispute Resolution